
About Me

Hi there! I’m a young male from California (and that’s all I’m willing to share) who has suffered through the personal shame of having gross toenails caused by toenail fungus. I’ve attempted a number of different treatment methods including:

  • over the counter Loceryl nail lacquer
  • fungal toenail laser treatment from my podiatrist
  • natural remedies like Vicks VapoRub and soaking my feet in vinegar
  • unsuccessful attempts at getting clippings tested for Lamasil tablets

And whilst I’ve spent several thousand dollars in attempting to get rid of my toenail fungus over the last seven years, I’ve had limited success with each of these methods.

In fact, the only thing I’ve seen across those years of attempting various treatments is the fungus spreading from the initial infection on the big toe of my right foot through to the other 9 toe nails across both of my feet.

This blog is here to act as a resource for sharing my attempts at using different methods to kill the fungus in my toenails, and my journey towards getting clean and clear toenails – so I can finally feel comfortable walking around without having to wear shoes in summer.

Thanks for visiting!